Donating Materials to the Library

We welcome your donation of library materials and are grateful for your generosity. Please keep the following in mind:
We gratefully accept books, CDs, audiobooks, and DVDs in their original case, and puzzles all IN GOOD CONDITION. We cannot accept encyclopedias, computer manuals, textbooks, or books that are moldy, torn, outdated, or in generally bad condition.
Donations are accepted at any of our library locations.
At the Hampton Memorial Library in Easley, please bring donations to the Shipping & Receiving door located at the rear of the building. Shipping & Receiving is open Monday-Friday from 9 am-4 pm. Outside of these days/times, donations may be taken to the Circulation Desk. At other library branch locations, please bring donations to the Circulation Desk.
Please do not place donations at outer doors or in book drops.

Donation limitations:

  • Because space and staff are limited, we can only accept donations on specified donation days.
  • Sorry, but we are unable to pick up donations.
  • All donated materials that are accepted become the sole property of the Library and cannot be returned to the donor.


Speak to a staff member, call 850-7077, or email [email protected].
Thank you for your generosity!