Teen Homework Help
The Library’s Online Databases are a collection of subscription databases provided by the Pickens County Library System and the State Library’s Discus Project. You can access the databases for free from the Library or from home. To utilize any of these services, you simply need to provide your library card number and PIN.
Biography In Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on the world’s most influential people. It merges Gale’s authoritative reference content (including Lives & Perspectives) with periodicals and multimedia organized into a user-friendly portal experience while also allowing users to search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender as well as keyword and full text. This database provided by State Library.
Britannica Library includes three online encyclopedias for students and adults: Encyclopaedia Britannica (advanced-level content for older students and adults), Elementary Encyclopedia (introductory -level content for students 6-10 yrs), and Compton’s Encyclopedia. Elementary Encyclopedia and Compton’s Encyclopedia are available by selecting “Jump to Britannica Kids” on the main Britannica page. This database provided by State Library.
Credo Reference provides access to a variety of full-text reference sources, including encyclopedias, biographies, and dictionaries.This database provided by State Library.
CultureGrams provides detailed information on world countries and US states, including cultural and historical information. This database provided by State Library.
Discus Smart Search is the method of searching for information from numerous DISCUS-provided products at once with a single search. This database provided by State Library.
DMV Practice Tests includes for library users:
– 14 car practice tests
– 9 motorcycle practice tests
– 27 CDL (commercial driver’s license) practice tests
– 3 online driver’s manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL)
Duolingo is the most popular language-learning platform. The company’s mission is to make education free, fun, and accessible to all. Duolingo is designed to feel like a game and scientifically proven to be effective.
Explora consists of high-quality articles licensed from reputable publishers, recognized by library professionals and selected for use in a school environment. Simple search that quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays and primary source documents. This database provided by State Library.
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center is an award-winning reference database for lifelong career exploration and planning. It offers a wealth of resources for users to assess their career goals and interests, plan their education, learn workplace skills, find apprenticeships and internships, conduct a job search, and much more.
Gale eBooks Poetry features discussion and analysis of poems of all time periods, nations, and cultures. Provides an overview of the poem and discussion of its principal themes, images, form and construction.
Gale eBooks Short Stories provides critical overviews of short stories from all cultures and time periods. Includes discussions of plot, characters, themes and structure as well as the story’s cultural and historical significance.
The GCFLearnFree.org program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century. From Microsoft Office and email, to reading, math, and more—GCFLearnFree.org offers more than 200 topics, including more than 2,000 lessons, more than 1,000 videos, and more than 50 interactives and games, completely free.
History Reference Center is Full-text reference eBooks, encyclopedias, peer-reviewed journals, primary source documents, and images covering U.S. and world history. This database provided by State Library.
Learn 360 is for Pre-kindergarten through 12th grades and includes educational multimedia with 24/7 access for educators, students, and parents. From the Discus website, click on Learn360 to access the resource. Please contact the Children’s Desk at 850-7077 ext. 104 if the Discus username and password are required. This database provided by State Library.
Learning Express Library is an innovative, web-based learning solution that provides patrons, from elementary students to adult learners, with instant access to the most comprehensive collection of test-preparation tools, skill-building materials, and career resources available. Over 770 online practice tests and interactive skill-building tutorials are available, along with more than 130 e-book titles developed by expert academic and industry professionals. This database provided by State Library.
Literary Reference Center provides plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, literary criticisms, author biographies, classic and contemporary poems, short stories, and more. This database provided by State Library.
Novelist databases provide information on published books, including reading suggestions and read-alikes. An excellent resource for finding new books to read. This database provided by State Library.
Opposing Viewpoints In Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today’s hottest social issues. Drawing on the acclaimed Greenhaven Press series, the solution features continuously updated viewpoints, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience. This database provided by State Library.
Points of View Reference Center provides information on a variety of current events and issues, offering information from a variety of viewpoints. This is a great starting point for anyone looking for information on a particular hot button subject, or for students looking for critical material on current issues. This database provided by State Library.
Science Reference Center contains full text science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books, images, videos, and science experiments. This database provided by State Library.
StudySC includes online content for South Carolina-related topics, including subjects in the South Carolina curriculum standards for elementary, middle, high school students, educators, and parents.
TeenBookCloud is an online database of eBooks and educator resources perfect for middle schoolers or high schoolers. It offers a robust selection of Graphic Novels, Enhanced Novels, eBooks, classic literature, National Geographic videos, educator resources, and audiobooks. This database provided by State Library.
The Tutor.com Learning Suite combines online tutoring, homework help, test preparation, and career support with a variety of self-study resources to provide a well-balanced and flexible educational environment designed to meet the individual needs of all learners. Regardless of whether your dreams are of getting an A, graduating high school, attending college, or finding a job, Tutor.com is here to help you reach their full potential. Services for K-12th grade, intro-level college, adult learners and job seekers. This database provided by State Library.